Monday, 19 September 2016

Temperature testing filament - The Results

The print starting at 260c

Way too hot

I'm recording the temperature difference so I can redo my PID Settings 

You can see here the target is 245 and it is varying between 237.5 and 246.6 Ideally the difference should be about +- 2 degrees. I'm getting 8 degrees below and 1 to 2 degrees above.

Here is the finished print along side my other tester I did on another material. I'm just using it to measure the temperature graduations.

The recommended print temperatures for this PETG is 225 Hot End and  90 Bed

You can see where the material gets nice and shiny in the recommended temp range

The bottom of the print broke trying to get it off the bed. The combination of 260/90 made it stick like concrete and getting it off was a real pain. The Dark mark on the front is just a blue marker so I know where the front was so I can measure the wall thickness to re calculate my flow rate. It was too high at 1.0 and needed to be set to 0.9 (Extrusion Multiplier in Simplify3d).

Pulling it apart to determine the layer adhesion, hard to come to a conclusion doing this by hand but like popping bubble wrap.......satisfying ;-)

Close up of the second test print. You can see the rough surface from the high temperatures.

Temperature settings 260 to 215 in 5 degree increments 
No top
No Bottom
1 outline
No infill
No support
0.2 layer height
50mm/s print speed. As its doing outlines all the way you need to check the outline speed.
E3D V6 head with titan extruder 

I'm going to pretty much stick to 225 degrees but if I can't get my pid setting to play the game I'll up the temp by 2 degrees to help offset the 8 degree difference. I'm going to lower my bed temp to
80 degrees though 90 is just not necessary on pei.

At the higher end of the temperature range the filament is more likely to bond between layer so I'm now setting the temp to 229 and since the pid controller only manages a 6 degree below target and about 2 degree above target it seems be printing really nicely.

It only takes 30 seconds to cycle between the 2 extremes so it shouldn't be a problem at all really.

The wall thickness was about 4.5 - 5.0 on the calipers so I lowered the flow rate to 0.9 in the hope it will be about 4.2 - 4.4

..........and it was on the second print.

edit again:-
I've since re done my pid settings and the print temp is now stable with only a 0.5+- degree variation so I'm using 225 on this brand of petg. :-D

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